Nelong Valley Uttarakhand 2024: Nelong Valley camping near Indo-China borde

Nelong Valley Uttarakhand

At an elevation of 11,400 feet, the Nelong Valley is a stony desert located in the Gangotri National Park. Nelong Valley was a crucial trading route between Tibet and India before China invaded Tibet. The similarity of the terrain of Nelong Valley to that of Tibet, according to experts, will astound anyone who has visited.

Even now, there is a complex wooden bridge that was once used to conduct trade between the nations.

Another comparison is with the well-known Himalayan deserts of Lahaul-Spiti and Ladakh. Nelong Valley, like many other valleys, has a deeply rich history and culture that have been destroyed by political upheaval and border disputes. During the Indo-China War in 1962, the communities that had made up Nelong Valley were evacuated, and ever since then, army camps have taken up residence in the historic valley.

Tourists are only permitted inside the restricted area for a maximum of 25 kilometers due to the extreme border tension. The army personnel verify your permit as soon as you arrive at the Nelong Valley boarding area and halt you.

Even though there is not any publicly accessible modern documentation of the artifacts, heritage sites, and antiquated buildings in Nelong Valley, we learned some fascinating information from the villagers and the district magistrate of Uttarkashi.

We learned from the SDM that a lake had only recently developed in Nelong Valley. He was accompanied by a crew that determined the size of the lake. He had photos, Even with that low-quality camera, you could tell what a sight it would have been, however, it was not as large as Ladakh’s Pangong or Tso Moriri. The virgin lake is further into the Nelong Valley and consequently closer to the China border, making it inaccessible to any civilians.

Nelong Valley Uttarakhand

Nelong Valley: History & Interesting Facts

The treacherous Nelong Valley lies close to the Indo-China border, which was off-limits to visitors following the Indo-China conflict in 1962. In order to boost travel and tourism in Uttarakhand, the valley was reopened in 2015. The 1962 conflict had an impact on Nelong Valley, which was formerly a stop along a historic trade route connecting Tibet and India. The Rongpas or Bhotiyas, an indigenous group that lived in the valley, were compelled to relocate to Bagori hamlet in Uttarakhand’s Uttarkashi district.

Following the withdrawal from the valley, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police assumed control of the area and established their checkpoints. Both the ancient trade route’s ruins and the precariously small wooden bridge built across the gorge are still visible to visitors.

The SDM of Uttarkashi also revealed a fascinating fact: there is a Lal Baba temple in Nelong Valley that is home to enormous stone writings. It is unlikely that they will ever be understood or made public, and it is unknown what is written on them. There is just one thing that is certain: if Nelong Valley is not made even marginally more accessible, its culture will be lost for good.

Best Time To Visit Nelong Valley

May, June, and September, October, when the weather is excellent and sunny, is the finest time to explore Nelong Valley.

Due to the valley’s frequent snowfall throughout the winter, it is always off-limits to travelers.

It is extremely challenging and pointless to go through the trouble until the valley is completely restored and made more accessible for travelers.

Permission Procedure and How to Reach

The application process for permits is extremely difficult. Make sure you block off two to three days specifically in your calendar for obtaining permission. I will break it down into a step-by-step approach to prevent confusion.

Step 1:-

Write a request in Hindi to the District Magistrate explaining your reason for visiting Nelong Valley as well as the number and names of those traveling with you (including the driver, if you are riding a four-wheeler). You can only bring SUVs there, so be aware of that, No compact automobiles. Include a photocopy of each person’s ID evidence, including their driver’s license, with this application. Make three duplicates of the full set by taking it.

Step 2:-

Go to the District Magistrate’s office in Bhatwari after you arrive in Uttarkashi. The Annapurna Temple is close by and just a five-minute walk from the main road. Put your fingers together and pray he is there! He will offer you a letter, and sign the original copies of your application and ID proofs while keeping the one set of copies.

Step 3:-

The Forest Office in Kotbangla is where you must go right now. A taxi should not cost more than Rs 200 for the trip to and from Kotbangla, which is located two kilometers uphill from Uttarkashi. You can choose to walk there, but it would take longer. Go to the main office’s back area at the forest office to submit a second set of your application with identification documentation and have the original copy signed. A letter of approval will also be provided to you. Go back to Uttarkashi while keeping it under strict guard.

Step 4:-

Set out for the Thana District. This is directly behind Uttarkashi’s well-known Vishwanath Temple. You must now visit the Local Intelligence Unit and present a second set of your application along with identification. These guys will take their time, write down your ID numbers, and inquire about your occupation and other personal details. They should sign the original document you gave them, provide you with a letter of approval, and then you should return to the District Magistrate’s office, which is a 10-minute walk away.

Step 5:-

Give the District Magistrate’s PA your original copy, complete with all the valuable signatures and letters. He will create a brown paper, have the SDM sign it, and then hand it to you. Here is your Permit.’

Important Note:-

Depending on when you start and how lucky you are, this process could take a day or a week. Make sure there are no official holidays between when you depart for Uttarkashi and when you arrive. But be aware that the SDM’s availability is the only condition for obtaining a permit.

Where To Stay

Spend the nights at either Gangotri or Harsil; they are both breathtakingly gorgeous. From Uttarkashi, Gangotri is five hours away, and Harsil is four hours away.

NOTE:- In this article, we cover all the important details regarding Nelong Valley, Uttarkashi(Uttarakhand) like its History, How to reach and how to take permission, Still If you have any other queries you can visit the gov official website of Uttarakhand Tourism. And If you want to know the best places to visit in Uttarakhand then visit our website

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